четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

Are traditions important?

   Traditions are big human knowledge, what we must remember and continue. In my opinion it's important to continue traditions of our families, because they were taking place long ago. Traditions are part of history, they say us where we came from.

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.




Forget Shots - New Implants Could Deliver Meds

If you’re diabetic or have Pernicious anemia you have to manage injections, sometimes daily. Now there’s hope for treating such chronic diseases via implants powered by nothing more than light-triggered engineered cells.
The implants could also monitor toxins in the body in real time, providing long-term health data — either warning you to take your heart meds or even administering the meds themselves.
The technology, reported in the journal Nature Photonics, consists of transparent polymer implants. Each implant has genetically modified cells in it that activate in response to light. The cells can be programmed to release chemicals. 
Myunghwan Choi and Seok Yun led a joint Harvard University and University of Toronto team to build a set of implants made of hydrogel, a polymer material that is compatible with tissue. Each hydrogel implant was 4 millimeters by 40 millimeters, and only a millimeter thick. The patches were loaded up with cells engineered to respond to light.
Choi and Yun demonstrated the implants in two ways. In one experiment they used them to deliver insulin, and in another they were toxin detectors.
The insulin system was used on diabetic mice. The scientists sent blue light through an optical fiber to the implant, inducing the cells in the implant to make a protein that stimulates insulin production.
For the toxin detection, the engineered cells emitted green light in the presence of heavy metals. By measuring the light levels from the implant, they could see how much heavy metal was present.
There is still work to be done before it gets to local clinics. First, the cells have to be taken from the host — otherwise there is the risk of immune reactions. Also, the transmission of light through the hydrogel has to be extended — humans are bigger than mice. Third, it will take time to discover how porous the hydrogels should be in order to best deliver the kinds of drugs necessary. 
If that happens, one day our bodies could be networked as much as our devices.
TASK 1 Read the text and choose a correct answers.
1) What could implants also monitor?
a) pesticides in the air
b) toxins in the body in real time
2) Can this technology help you if you are diabetic anPernicious anemia ?
a) Yes, only if you are diabetic.
b) Yes, only if you have Pernicious anemia.
c) No
d) Yes.
3) Who were Myunghwan Choi and Seok Yun?
a) doctors from a joint team
b) technologists from a joint team
c) policemen from a joint team
4) How many experiments had Choi and Yun?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
5) Does protein stimulate insulin production?
a) Yes
b) No
6) Is this technology finished?
a) No, it's fail.
b) No, there is still work to be done before it gets to local clinics.
7) Where from are Choi and Yun? (2 answers)
a) From Harvard University
b) From University of Denver
c) From University of Toronto
8) How many major advantages are there in Robotic Prosthetics?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7

вторник, 12 ноября 2013 г.


http://news.discovery.com/human/genetics/smoking-cigarettes-genetic-damage-110115.htm http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/forget-meds-new-implants-could-deliver-meds-131020.htm

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.

Summary of article

Summary of article: Facebook, your parents and you. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/science-and-technology/facebook-your-parents-and-you Nowadays for many teenagers and adults Facebook is neccessary in daily life. They use it not only for virtual connection with people, but also for listening to music, reading news and watching videos. On the one hand, it's comfortable that one website has all these functions.If somebody is bored at work or, for example, waits for a flight, he may entertain himself with Facebook. But on the other hand, Facebook has bad points too. For example, everybody can know where are you at the moment or what you did at this weekend. People send daily photos to the Facebook and a lot of people from the whole World may see it. But teenagers must remember that parents can use Facebook too. And they are interested in this, where their child was yesterday and with who. But teens don't want that their parent know everything about them. That to avoid a trouble teens must check their settings on Facebook. They can make a closed profile, not free. It helps them avoid trouble not only with parents but also with unknown people who not always are good. It seems to me, that in our generation it's normal, that Facebook is so popular in the World. But people must be careful: don't become addicted to Facebook and know, that on Facebook are a lot of bad people. To avoid it users may make closed profiles.

суббота, 30 марта 2013 г.

Creative writing prompts

Imagine your life is now a book. In 100 words, write the blurb for it. (It’s what people will read on the back cover). When Jerry finds a dusty old piano in the loft of his new house, his parents offer to pay for the music lessons. Turned out, that piano is quite serviceable. Jerry decided that it would be cool to learn to play piano. But there was something strange about Jerry’s piano teacher – Dr. Shreek. Something really strange. Sometimes Jerry can’t understand what the teacher wants to say. Soon Jerry has heard the stories. Really terrible stories. About the students at Dr. Shreek's music school. Students who went there for a lesson . . . and never came out.

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

Email to teacher

Hello, Stella Remmelg. I want to thank you for giving your idea to registrate on World Education Games. So we can exercise in our English. My registration became well, in the same minute I had an answer in my email. I confirmed invitation, filled a profile. I hope this World project, where I participate third time, will be a good opportunity to exercise in English. Roma